Hapdco Dermex Ointment heals various skin problems. It is helpful in erythema, ulcers, wounds, eczema, itching, cracks, fissures, eruptionpustular, unhealthy skin, rawness in bend of limbs, groin, neck and behind ears. It heals skin burns, multiform erythema and hardness of skin Treatsitching vesicles, with burning pain It is effective for dry and scaly skin Heals skin burns, itching, scratching Useful for open wounds, and ulcers, superficial burns and scalds Treats inflamed skin, acne and injuries, sensitive eruptions Also treats burning, itching in the body, and treats white vesicles too Treats psoriasis, persistent dryness, ulcers discharging a glutinous fluid Heals cracks and fissures in nipples, mouth, between toes, anus and fingers